Monday 24 February 2014


President Museveni has just signed the anti~gay bill into law despite warnings from the western country. The bill was signed publicly for the first time.
Any person in Uganda found guilty or in support of homosexualty should be imprisoned minimum 14years.
This move by Uganda might lead to a complicated relation with the USA from which it receives $400m annualy as aid.

I believe The world should understand the move taken by Uganda and not try to restrain their support(aid) that will only interfere with a country's sovereignty.
Countries across the world uphold different moral values. It seems so had for Uganda to encript homo~sexualty in its society.

President Yoweri is right when he argues that no one is born a homosexual. Amnt againist homosexualty and I neither support but I wounder how do you wake up one morning and realise you are a gay or lesbian!?
Homo~sexuals should not be ill treated at the same time the act should not be openly embraced.
How should a parent take it when they come to the knowledge that their child is a homosexual? Should they just say to their 'grown up child' that "oh yea you just did the right thing" or act obliovious to that fact? I think thorough research both scientific and logic needs to be done in this issue of homo~sexualty.

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